
How to Switch PHP Versions in XAMPP Easily: Managing Multiple PHP Versions on Ubuntu

Today we are going to learn about managing multiple PHP versions on ubuntu with xampp. XAMPP is a popular development…

1 year ago

How to Use Coding to Improve Your Website’s SEO Ranking?

Let's understand about how to use coding to improve your website's SEO. In today’s computerized landscape, having a robust web-based…

1 year ago

Most Important Linux Commands for Web Developers

Let's understand the most important linux commands for web developers. Linux, as an open-source and powerful operating system, serves as…

1 year ago

SOLID Principles in Programming with Examples

In the world of software development, creating maintainable, scalable, and flexible code is essential. The SOLID principles are a set…

1 year ago

Git error “File is 116.61 MB; this exceeds GitHub’s file size limit of 100.00 MB”

Sometimes we accidentally forget to remove unwanted backup zip files or we might have some of the large size files…

1 year ago

How user authentication works on the web?

User authentication is a process that verifies the identity of a user accessing a system or application. It typically involves…

2 years ago

How to decide the budget and timeline for a web project?

Deciding on the budget and timeline for a website project can be challenging but important for both you as a…

2 years ago

ERROR 1452: Cannot add or update a child row – MySQL error

When you encounter an error message on your website, it can be frustrating and concerning. Especially when it affects the…

2 years ago

How to Completely Uninstall Node.js and NPM from MacOS ?

Hi there, Today we are going to discuss the process of uninstall Node.js and NPM from your MacOS. Uninstalling Node.js…

2 years ago

How O(log n) is better than O(n) time complexity in DSA?

In Data structure and algorithms we heard a lot that O(log n) is better than O(n) time complexity.  Today we…

3 years ago