What are getter and setter methods in PHP?

What’s up buddy, today we are going to learn about getter and setter methods in the php. Why do we…

3 years ago

Function overloading and property overloading in PHP

Hey, Buddy .. I was really confused with function overloading and property overloading in PHP v/s other languages. But, now…

3 years ago

User login and registration with php & mysql (+source code)

I am here with another php tutorial that is user login and registration with php & mysql. Live Demo :…

3 years ago

PHP Form Validations with examples [+Github code]

I am back with a new php tutorial and this time it is php form validation but not as usually…

3 years ago

PHP & mysql shopping cart project (Live example + source code)

Today we are going to learn about php & mysql shopping cart project with Live example and source code. We…

3 years ago

PHP variables with a string literal

While working with PHP, most of the time we need to use PHP string literal variables. Then we use string…

4 years ago

How to create new or modify existing excel file using PHP

So, you wanna create an excel file using PHP or have already a excel file and want to modify that…

4 years ago

Income & Expense Calculator With PHP [+Source Code]

This is a simple PHP based income and expense calculator without the use of the database. Are you looking for…

5 years ago

Mini Birthday Reminder With PHP OOPs [+ Source Code]

Have you finished the basics PHP tutorials? Are you looking for mini projects based on PHP? Then this mini birthday…

5 years ago

Mini Age Calculator With PHP OOPs [+Source Code]

Hey, are you a beginner in PHP? Just finished your basic of PHP and OOPs? Do you want something interesting…

5 years ago