Ionic 5 Product Filter Page
Hey buddy, This is part 2 of ionic 5 shopping app and we will create a product filter page here.
As we have already created a product listing and cart page in the last tutorial, let’s build a product filter page.
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Create ionic 5 product filter page
Run the following command to generate the product filter page.
ionic g page pages/product-filter
import { Component, OnInit } from '@angular/core'; import { ModalController, NavParams } from '@ionic/angular'; import { ProductsService } from 'src/app/services/products/products.service'; @Component({ selector: 'app-product-filter', templateUrl: './', styleUrls: ['./'], }) export class ProductFilterPage implements OnInit { tabs = { categories: true, price: false } constructor( private modalCtrl: ModalController, public productService: ProductsService ) { } ngOnInit() { } dismiss() { this.modalCtrl.dismiss(); } price_input() { this.productService.priceRange.applied = true; } price_range(event) { let range = event.detail.value; this.productService.priceRange.lower = range.lower; this.productService.priceRange.upper = range.upper; this.productService.priceRange.applied = true; } selectFilter(type: string) { Object.keys(this.tabs).forEach((value, index)=>{ console.log('object :>> ', value, index); this.tabs[value] = false; }) this.tabs[type] = true; } setFilter(i: number, type: string) { console.log('setFilter :>> ', i, type); if ('undefined' === typeof this.productService[type][i]['isChecked']) { this.productService[type][i]['isChecked'] = false; } this.productService[type][i]['isChecked'] = !this.productService[type][i]['isChecked']; } applyFilter(){ this.productService.selectedCategories = this.productService.categories.filter(val => val.isChecked); this.productService.applyFilter(); this.modalCtrl.dismiss(true); } clearFilter() { this.productService.uncheckFilters(); this.productService.applyFilter(); this.modalCtrl.dismiss(true); } }
We are using price range and product category to filter our products. You can see a product filter icon below the slider in the right corner. When the user clicks on it, it will open the filter page.
On the filter page users can apply category and price range filters. When the user clicks on the apply filter button, it will assign the selected categories to the product service selectedCategories
Then it will call the applyFilter
method from the product service page where it will match all filters with available products. Once all filters are satisfied it will update the products and therefore it will update the product listing page with filtered products.
import { Injectable } from '@angular/core'; @Injectable({ providedIn: 'root' }) export class ProductsService { selectedCategories: any = []; priceRange: PriceRange = { lower: 0, upper: 100, applied: false }; filterItems: any = []; cartCount: number = 0; listBy: ListBy = { nav: false, search: false, banner: false, details: false }; show_result_size: boolean = true; bannerImages = [ { imgurl: 'assets/images/slide1.jpg' }, { imgurl: 'assets/images/slide2.jpg' }, { imgurl: 'assets/images/slide3.jpg' } ]; products = [ { id : 1, imgurl: 'assets/images/slide1.jpg', name: 'Multi color bags', category: 'shopping', price: 67, totalStock: 10 }, { id : 2, imgurl: 'assets/images/slide3.jpg', name: 'Daily use bags', category: 'routine', price: 37, totalStock: 10 }, { id : 3, imgurl: 'assets/images/slide2.jpg', name: 'Real Value', category: 'folk', price: 77, totalStock: 10 }, { id : 4, imgurl: 'assets/images/slide1.jpg', name: 'Vosto bags', category: 'shopping', price: 65, totalStock: 10 } ]; categories : any = [ { category : 'shopping' }, { category : 'folk' }, { category : 'routine' } ]; constructor( ) { } initProductList() { this.filterItems = this.products; this.showResultCount(); } applyFilter() { console.log(this.selectedCategories, this.priceRange); if ( this.selectedCategories.length > 0 || this.priceRange.applied ) { console.log('Filter applied :>> '); this.products = []; for(let i = 0; i < this.filterItems.length; i++) { let foundCategory = true, foundPrice = true; if ( this.selectedCategories.length > 0 ) { foundCategory = this.selectedCategories.some( val => val.category.toLocaleLowerCase() === this.filterItems[i]['category'].toLocaleLowerCase() && val.isChecked); } if ( this.priceRange.applied ) { let price = this.filterItems[i]['price']; foundPrice = ( price >= this.priceRange.lower && price <= this.priceRange.upper ); } if(foundCategory && foundPrice) { this.products.push(this.filterItems[i]); } } } else { console.log('No Filter found:>> '); this.products = this.filterItems; } } showResultCount() { this.show_result_size = true; setTimeout(() => { this.show_result_size = false; }, 2000); } resetItems() { this.products = []; this.filterItems = []; this.uncheckFilters(); this.defaultListBy(); } uncheckFilters() { this.selectedCategories = [] this.defaultPriceRange(); for( let i = 0; i < this.categories.length; i++) { this.categories[i].isChecked = false; } } defaultPriceRange() { this.priceRange = { applied: false, lower : 0, upper : 100 } } defaultListBy() { Object.keys(this.listBy).forEach(key => { this.listBy[key] = false; }) } } interface PriceRange { lower: any, upper: any, applied: boolean } interface ListBy { search: boolean, banner: boolean, nav: boolean, details: boolean }
If a user clears the filters from the filter page, our product service simply restores all products.
See you in the next learning journey.